Monday - Sunday 0900 - 1700 Hrs
Deekay Healthcare ServicesDeekay Healthcare ServicesDeekay Healthcare Services
Rumbold court, Upper Coomera ,4209, QLD

Community Access

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Community Access

A community isn’t just the group of people that you live near to, and it’s not just the people you go to lunch with. It can be just a few people or a group that all have one thing in common, such as those who enjoy a hobby, activity or have a shared interest.

Not only do we help to connect those with disabilities and their community, but we are also able to offer some great activities and events happening in your area! You will find a diverse offering from many relaxing hobbies, local markets to other activities in your area.  Accessibility breaks barriers. Inaccessibility leads to isolation, to feeling like you are not wanted in a space. Inaccessibility is mostly a result of ignorance and the belief that disabled people don’t go out in the community.

Helping people with disabilities enjoy full lives within their communities involves a number of important components:

  • Citizenship and civic engagement
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Healthcare
  • Housing
  • Peer support
  • Recreation and leisure activities
  • Spirituality and religion
  • Valued social roles (marriage, parenting, etc.)

We are caring, compassionate, inclusive, community-oriented and patient-centered ― all of which are values that are rooted in our tradition as a faith-based care provider.

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