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Supported Independent Living (SIL)

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Supported Independent Living (SIL)

SIL may assist people living alone, or a group of people living in a shared home. SIL funding enables you to receive the supports you need in a shared residence or your own residence. The purpose of this stream of funding is to help you develop your skills and encourage you to live as independently as possible.

All NDIS participants may be eligible for SIL funding, whether they rent privately, own their own home, live with others, or live in Specialist Disability Accommodation. There are three levels of SIL funding:

  • ‘Lower needs’ provides regular supervision of living arrangements. ‘
  • ‘Standard needs’ provides 24/7 active assistance of most daily tasks.
  • ‘Higher needs’ provides continual and more complex active assistance to the individual.

The Supported Independent Living (SIL) might include supports like:

  • Help with personal care, like showering, dressing and toileting
  • Help with household tasks such as shopping, preparing meals, washing clothes and cleaning
  • Active overnight and/or sleepover support
  • Assistance with complex medical needs
  • Positive behaviour support management
  • Clinical support such as administering medication and management of issues such as bowel care, catheter, epilepsy, asthma and tube feeding
  • Medication management

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