Monday - Sunday 0900 - 1700 Hrs
Deekay Healthcare ServicesDeekay Healthcare ServicesDeekay Healthcare Services
Rumbold court, Upper Coomera ,4209, QLD



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Take time to review available service offerings to see if they align with the needs of your senior loved one. Do they need assistance with daily tasks, or are their needs more advanced where they’ll likely need more supervision? We provide home care solutions that are personalized to meet the specific needs of your loved ones.

From Nursing and Complex Care to day-to-day support, we’re here to connect you with a customised disability support suitable to your needs and lifestyle.

To ensure a personalized care experience, our staff is assigned to you by your exact care needs. Our interactive care planner can recommend services based on your needs and a member of our care team can further customize the care that's right for you or your loved one.

Prior to booking service with us, you receive a free consultation to access immediate needs, gather an understanding of your current health situation, and assess any possible risks in the home to ensure our home care services can be conducted in a safe manner. 

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Head office address:

Rumbold court, Upper Coomera ,4209, QLD

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